LinkIt Smart 7688 Toolchain with OpenWRT
My last post was about how to get the LinkIt Smart 7688 embedded Linux module running and updating the firmware. This post in the series …
Embedded hardware & software prototyping and development
My friends here in Colorado started a new company called NixCore, a Linux enabled processor board that takes 1 Watt of power. They asked me …
Recently I was asked to take a look at some code for the Arduino Yun that was developed as a proof of concept for a …
I have a project which requires full control of the camera board on a Raspberry Pi from a custom C application, so I recently started …
I needed to get all the information on every 16bit Microchip PIC microcontroller into one header file for use in a library. Microchip supplies a …
I was playing around with python and a GUI for a simple plant watering setup I hacked together and I stumbled upon wxGlade. wxGlade is …
A while ago I purchased a CFA533 TTL level serial LCD board from Crystalfontz for use with a project. The board has a 16×2 character …